Jenny Randles ColumnIn the ChairNewsEventsUFO Times

Ray Santilli: Questions and Answers


In an attempt to clarify some of the points raised in l995 regarding Ray Santilli and the alleged Roswell film footage, we put a list of questions to Ray at the end of l995. What follows are those questions and Ray Santilli's reply. Make of it what you will.

Q: Who owns the Roswell footage. Is it you (Ray Santilli), Volker Spielberg both.
A: At present myself and Volker (the cameraman also has a small amount).

Q: Why hasn't a segment of film showing the 'creature' on it been released for analysis.
A: Plenty of film has been released with a variety of images including images of the autopsy room. Giving away film with the creature would be a last resort as the frames are far too valuable. I think it is also unnecessary as it is part of the same material already released.

Q: Why hasn't a clear copy of the 'tent footage' been made available in an attempt to try and identify the individuals depicted in it.
A: We disregarded the 'tent footage' months ago. We have already suffered enough criticism regarding verification therefore in our situation we could only proceed with material we felt safe with.

Q: Why did you state that you had seen President Truman in the footage and also that you had film of the crashed UFO.
A: I mentioned this to a researcher in the early days, before we had completed the processing of the reels. It was a mistake on my part. I repeated what the cameraman had told me and expected no problem with the development of the film. Unfortunately the film on this reel was too badly damaged to retrieve an image.

Q: Do you know that the film is genuine l947 stock, but it does not depict an alien and in turn has nothing to do with UFOs.
A: The film is l947 film stock, however I do not know what the creature is.

Q: After recent pronouncements on TF1 (French TV) that Jack Barnett died many years ago is there indeed a genuine cameraman.
A: Jack Barnett is not the real name of the cameraman, if I had given the real name the world would be on his doorstep by now. Jack Barnett is a name that we (including the cameraman) adopted because it was a safe way of handling the problem.

Q: What is your response to claims that the whole affair is just an elaborate money making hoax.
A: Bearing in mind the money it would take to make this film and the number of people required to make would be impossible for this to be a hoax. The financial return would not be worth it.

Q: Why have the original film box labels not been made available for examination but only copies instead.
A: I only have copies, the boxes were returned.

Q: Is there any further film yet to be shown that has not previously been seen.
A: Yes, but after this experience I cannot promise it will ever see the light of day while I'm involved.

Q: Will the other autopsy film be released for public scrutiny.
A: Yes, in time.

Q: What is the correct name of the cameraman as Jack Barnett is known to be deceased.
A: I will not give this information right now.

Q: Do you have any idea why the so-called cameraman 'sent' the bulk of the original film to Washington but then asked for the remaining problem reels to be 'picked up'.
A: He had nowhere to send the second batch as the departments were relocating therefore he asked for the second batch to be picked up, this problem was due to the split of the army/airforce apparently there was a great deal of internal confusion.

Q: What is your reaction to those who state that the film looks like a transfer from video to celluloid and then back again, meaning that the original was on video and not 16mm.
A: Complete nonsense.

Q: Can segments of the original tent footage be made available for analysis. A: See above.

Q: Can segments of the debris footage be made available for analysis.
A: See above.


These few questions may help to clarify certain matters while others may serve to cloud even further already muddy waters. Make of them what you will. Should any further developments occur surrounding Ray Santilli and the alleged Roswell film footage we will attempt to notify you.

Susan and Philip Mantle.

Jenny Randles ColumnIn the ChairNewsEventsUFO Times